Paul Wilbur

Saturday, 24 November 2007

Emergent, Purpose-Driven-Post This, Post That. Post It Notes! 24 November 2007

Any gathering of God-Fearers trusting more to sensual mysticism and worshipful experiences than God's Word are open to deception. When the Scriptures are 'dumbed-down' for more experiential avenues in coming to know God, then the believer faces the 'tickling of his ears' and the 'rubbing of his belly.'

Anyone give me a scripture that condones the abandonment, the lessening of God's Word in order to experience through 'other' means the god in whom faith is expressed?

I am sick to my stomach, that God and His Truth is treated so badly and irreverently by teachers and pastors who should be ashamed of themselves and their fads, and their 'post-this' and 'post-that' titles.

Here I will stop. Read here...Understand The Times, for more of the segment from 'The Emerging Church-Revival Or Return To Darkness'.below.

History reveals that Christian fads and trends come and go. It seems that it is common for many pastors and church leaders to constantly look for some new methodology, “new wave” or “new thing” God is doing, “right now.”

We live at a period in church history that is characterized by enthusiasm for methods and means that facilitate church growth. Large churches are commonly equated with successful pastors and successful church growth methods. Whatever it takes to reach that objective, is acceptable, we are told. Church growth has become the measuring stick for successful Christianity...continue reading.

God Bless You All.

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